

Consortium of Vietnamese institutions operating the program:


Support consortium made up of 9 French establishments:



Like French engineering schools, the PFIEV sets up an active network of industrial partners, whether with Vietnamese companies or international companies. The partnership can take various forms ranging from the subject of the project, through internships, conferences, courses and material or financial support. It thus enables the PFIEV to increase its industrial and international roots. The partners contribute to the improvement of the programs and are in contact with a pool of excellent students.

The PFIEV therefore invites international economic players
and Vietnamese to join the program via :

  • Internship proposal: for a few weeks or a few months, benefit from a curious and motivated young person to whom you can entrust tasks or a project.
  • Recruitment of young graduates: strengthen your teams with profiles of excellence from the PFIEV.
  • Enhancement of your employer brand: show your company’s know-how and career opportunities and identify potential future recruits.
  • Involvement in educational activities: allow your employees to teach, participate in the supervision of academic activities or host educational visits.
  • Sponsorship / support for the program: contribute to the development of the PFIEV via a contribution in kind (equipment) or financially, and benefit from visibility on the program’s communication media and from association with events and professional development bodies.