On Friday, November 11, 2022, the Hanoi School of Civil Engineering hosted the PFIEV National Development Council. This council, which brought together Vietnamese and French institutions as well as representatives of the French Embassy, the Vietnamese government, companies, students and alumni, provided an opportunity to review the program’s activities and discuss the projects to be implemented in 2023. All participants welcomed the renewal of the accreditation by the CTI (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs) of the program for the maximum duration, for the four Vietnamese institutions. The excellent results (recruitment figures, professional insertion, academic quality) were also appreciated. For 2023, the Vietnamese and French institutions have decided to focus their work on obtaining accreditation HCERES (High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education) for Vietnamese institutions, cooperation with French companies in Vietnam (through participation in the activities of the CCIFV -Chamber of Commerce and Industry France-Vietnam) and the strengthening of student and staff mobility between the two countries.

On the occasion of this national council of improvement, the rector of the School of Civil Engineering of Hanoi, Pham Duy Hoa, was awarded the gold medal of the Lycée Louis le Grand by its principal Joël Bianco.