Mobilité staff France > Vietnam 2024 – Call for applications

The consortium of French institutions supporting the PFIEV (Programme de Formation d’Ingénieurs d’Excellence au Vietnam), with the support of the French Ministry of Higher Education and the French Embassy in Vietnam, is launching a call for applications for teaching and/or consultancy assignments in the Vietnamese institutions operating the program.

Possible mission content:

  • Teaching in the preparatory cycle or in the PFIEV engineering program, in French and/or English
  • Training the trainers
  • Expertise and support on program content and/or PFIEV development issues (business links, accreditation procedures, international cooperation).

Format and handling of assignments:

  • Minimum duration of one working week on site (including travel) in 2024
  • Travel/accommodation/catering expenses paid by consortium of French establishments
  • Possible reward from the Vietnamese side

Application deadline = 30/11/23
Communication of results = 15/12/23

Contact: Thibaut Skrzypek / +33164153490 /

> Call for entries